
Πέμπτη 28 Μαρτίου 2013

PD: Learn the Smokescreen ! ! !

Smokescreen Poker"DEMOCRACY": Poker and sex have a few things in common. First of all, you can pour money into both with the hope of a pay off in the end, only to walk away with an empty wallet and a deep, unsatisfied feeling that is often accompanied with the humiliation of knowing you have been played for a fool. Also in poker, as well as sex, things are not always as they seem. While you be elated that the extremely attractive young lady who looks as though she walked off the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is giving you attention, this can all change when in a moment of passion you discover she has an Adams apple. While no mouthwash in the world can gargle out the shame and disgust of your Crying Game moment, the point is that you had been caught in a situation where perception and reality were two completely different things.
Poker"DEMOCRACY":Billions of words have been written about the game of poker, about strategies, and about how to win at the game. Just about every utterance or typed statement comes down to the fact that poker is a game where you are trying to alter your opponent’s perception of reality (or see through your adversaries own perception altering smokescreen).
Unless you have spontaneously developed superpowers chances are you cannot see your opponent’s hand. Nor can they see yours. This leaves us with a game that is based completely on what you think your opponent might have, and how much reality you can alter in the name of winning the pot. This means all the pot odds and mathematics pale in comparison to being someone who can use guile to change how others see reality.
Remember, poker in its simplest form is about perception, not reality. Learn to change the perception and you will win at the game.
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